Creative ways companies earn money online

Creative ways companies earn money online

 “ Thinking outside the box ” is a phrase that is said in every case and inside every article, but despite it being a cliché, it is still valid and important in the present as well as in the past and even in the future, as it is the gateway to creativity, innovation and the development of new solutions that move stagnant water And create added value, and what we are dealing with now in this article, is how managers of some technology companies thought out of the box to devise strange solutions and ways to make money online, and we will not list all the methods and ideas here because they need a complete book, but only some realistic examples from some Digital Sites and Services.

Did you like the quote?

A few weeks ago, I started using the ( ) site that specializes in improving the speed of typing on the keyboard. It is a platform in which you face challenges with others in the speed of typing. Of them, one paragraph appears for everyone to be printed, and each contestant symbolizes a car moving forward, the countdown begins and gets excited and then starts at the number (zero) and speeds up writing as much as you can, and as soon as you complete the phrase or paragraph until the results appear, then you learn Did you get first place, second place, or…. Fifth.

In fact, to be honest with you, I never got the first place, and that is that I am still learning fast typing in English, and this is the situation of 80% of the contestants (4 out of 5), so I usually get bored and disappointed down or To read the phrase that you just printed, and sometimes it is a beautiful or sarcastic phrase that makes a smile on your lips, then read this sentence under the phrase:

You just typed a quote from

Here lies creativity and innovation, as the site provides you with the name and picture of the book that has been cited from, and you, dear user, can click on it and go directly to the sale page on the Amazon site, and you thank them for providing this free service and also providing the sources of these beautiful quotes, because you may like one of them. And you decide to buy the book in which it was printed, but they will thank you as well if you decide to buy, because that link is a referral link that gives them a small commission from each purchase, and a commission next to the commission the amount becomes large and the profit is large.

Did you like the clip?

( website and application is a service dedicated to teaching the English language, its basic idea is to provide very small clips, each clip contains a sentence or two, which are clips taken from drama, graphic, documentary films or even ordinary videos published on YouTube, you watch The section then chooses the correct translation, which is a useful service for developing the skill of listening in the English language, as it provides many characteristics such as (determining the level and quality of the syllables, etc.).

This service is free, and it does not display any ads on the site or application, so how do you make money?

Simply, the name of the clip from which it was quoted is mentioned at the bottom under the video or in the upper corner (when using the application). For your convenience, the name of the original material is a link that takes you - when you click on it - to the movie purchase page from Amazon or any other site. And you may decide to buy the movie and thank them for that, and they, in turn, will thank you for the commission that they got because of you.

Commission sale

These two services follow the same profit model, they market the products of others, which is what is called in the digital marketing tradition as (commission sales). The first site markets books, the second site markets films, and the Amazon site provides a large platform for selling all kinds of products, and provides a platform for marketers to earn some The crumbs are behind every sale, but that crumbs become huge sums when they accumulate and some of them accumulate on top of each other, and therefore the greatest reliance is on the spread of these services and the expansion of their users.

The basic ways to make money on the Internet are limited to three or four, but can be limited to only two; (1) To sell your own product (or service), (2) or to market other people's products and services and take a commission for that, while the profit through digital ads can be included in the second type, you allow companies to use spaces on your website pages or at the front of your videos. To advertise their products, that is, in this case, you are a middleman not selling your own products, but rather marketing other people's products and taking the commission late or in advance.

Although the digital methods of earning money are numbered and limited, innovation and creativity come in how to implement these methods, as we have seen in the previous two examples, the commission sale model is used, but with innovative methods that benefit both parties and do not constitute disruption or inconvenience to the user.

Thinking outside the box

We return again to the cliched phrase in its wording and renewed in its meaning, this time it is directed to the owners of entrepreneurial projects and the ideas that are waiting to be emancipated from the mind of their owner, I tell them: The most difficult task is not to achieve the financial gain from the digital service or product, but rather in how to provide real value and a digital product. Innovative, so when there is value, it will facilitate marketing and then spread, and when it is spread, it will facilitate earning.
